Pat Flood: The Business Behind BEST

Pat Flood, the president of Supreme Lending Southeast, embodies the essence of leadership centered on uplifting those around him. At 61, Flood has spent decades mastering the art of leading and inspiring, a talent he discovered early in life. Growing up, Flood's leadership skills were evident as he led and influenced his peers through sports, a foundation that seamlessly transitioned into his professional career. Flood's journey began at HomeBanc, where he spent 22 years, 18 of which as CEO. His tenure at HomeBanc was marked by significant growth and innovation, setting the stage for his next venture—Supreme Lending Southeast​​​​.

Key Takeaways

  • Human-Centric Leadership: Pat Flood’s management style focuses on genuinely caring for his team, placing their personal and professional growth above financial profits​​​​.

  • Visionary Approach: Flood emphasizes casting a meaningful vision and enrolling associates in that vision, making them feel an integral part of the company’s success​​.

  • Commitment to Employee Well-Being: During challenging times, Flood ensured pay raises and avoided layoffs, demonstrating his dedication to his team’s well-being and job security​​​​.

  • Innovative Employee Programs: The BEST GPS system encourages employees to set personal goals and provides tools for accountability, promoting holistic development and job satisfaction​​.

  • Community Service: Flood’s involvement with Habitat for Humanity reflects his philosophy of “serving others before self,” with Supreme Lending sponsoring and building numerous homes for those in need​​.

  • Recognized Leadership: Flood has been named one of Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Most Admired CEOs and has led Supreme Lending to be repeatedly recognized as a top workplace​​​​.

  • Educational Outreach: Flood regularly shares his insights on leadership and the importance of relationships with students and professionals, emphasizing that successful leadership is rooted in genuine care and integrity​​.

  • Resilience in Adversity: Despite market fluctuations and industry challenges, Supreme Lending has thrived under Flood’s leadership, achieving record performance and maintaining high levels of employee engagement​​.

  • Holistic Development Focus: Flood’s leadership at Supreme Lending promotes a supportive environment where employees are encouraged to develop in all aspects of their lives, from fitness and finance to family and fun​​.

  • Legacy of Positive Impact: Pat Flood’s career and life exemplify the power of servant leadership, making a lasting impact on both his organization and the broader community through his dedication to helping others become their best​​​​.

In the competitive world of business, finding a leader who genuinely prioritizes the well-being and growth of their team over sheer financial gain is a rare gem. Pat Flood, the president of Supreme Lending Southeast, is precisely that kind of leader—the one we all aspire to work for. Flood’s leadership style is defined by his profound commitment to serving others and fostering a supportive, engaging workplace culture. With decades of experience and a track record of transforming companies into top workplaces, Flood has set a new standard for what it means to lead with compassion, integrity, and vision.

Flood’s approach to leadership is deeply rooted in his belief that every individual has unique talents that, when nurtured, can contribute significantly to a collective vision. From his early days at HomeBanc, where he spent 22 years honing his leadership skills, to founding Supreme Lending Southeast, Flood has consistently demonstrated that investing in people yields extraordinary results​​​​. Under his guidance, Supreme Lending has not only thrived in a volatile market but has also been repeatedly recognized as a top workplace, a testament to the positive and productive environment he has cultivated​​​​.

But what truly sets Flood apart is his unwavering dedication to personal and professional development. He has implemented innovative programs like the BEST GPS system, which encourages employees to set and achieve personal goals, enhancing their overall well-being and job satisfaction​​. This holistic approach ensures that his team members feel valued and supported, driving their motivation and engagement to new heights.

Flood’s influence extends beyond the office walls through his active involvement in community service. His work with Habitat for Humanity, where he and his team have sponsored and built numerous homes, exemplifies his philosophy of “serving others before self”​​. This hands-on commitment to making a difference in the community not only benefits those in need but also reinforces the values of teamwork and compassion within his organization.

In every facet of his career, Pat Flood embodies the qualities of the ideal leader—one who inspires, nurtures, and empowers those around him to reach their fullest potential. His story is not just about business success; it’s about creating a legacy of positive impact and lasting change, making him a leader we all would be fortunate to work for.

Flood’s management style is distinct and profoundly human-centric. Unlike many leaders who prioritize financial metrics, Flood's primary focus is on the well-being and development of his associates. He believes in genuinely caring for the people he leads, aiming to profit their lives more than the company's financial bottom line. This approach has cultivated a nurturing and productive workplace environment at Supreme Lending. Flood emphasizes that his role is to cast a vision and enroll his associates in that vision, ensuring they understand their contribution to the company's success​​​​.

Supreme Lending Southeast has flourished under Flood’s leadership, earning numerous accolades, including being named the top midsize workplace in metro Atlanta multiple times. Despite the challenges posed by fluctuating interest rates and a volatile housing market, Supreme Lending has maintained a strong focus on its employees. During a particularly tough year for the mortgage industry in 2022, Flood implemented strategies to avoid layoffs and even provided pay raises, demonstrating his commitment to his team’s well-being​​​​.

Flood’s dedication to his team is further evidenced by the innovative programs he has instituted at Supreme Lending. One such initiative is the BEST GPS system, which encourages staff to set and achieve personal goals across various aspects of their lives, from fitness and finance to family and fun. This system not only supports professional growth but also promotes holistic personal development, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and accountability. The positive impact of these programs is reflected in the high level of job satisfaction reported by Supreme Lending employees​​.

Beyond his professional achievements, Flood is deeply committed to community service. His involvement with Habitat for Humanity is a testament to his philosophy of "serving others before self." Flood and his team at Supreme Lending have sponsored and built numerous homes, embodying a tangible commitment to making a difference in their community. This hands-on approach to service has not only benefited those in need but has also strengthened the bonds within his team, fostering a spirit of camaraderie and shared purpose​​.

Flood’s leadership and community involvement have earned him significant recognition. He was named one of Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Most Admired CEOs in 2018, an accolade that underscores his exceptional leadership and commitment to making a positive impact. His ability to create a supportive and engaging work environment has made Supreme Lending a model workplace, consistently praised by its employees for the culture of care and support that Flood has cultivated​​​​.

In addition to his professional and community endeavors, Flood is a sought-after speaker, regularly sharing his insights on leadership and personal development with students and professionals alike. His presentations often focus on the importance of relationships in achieving personal and professional success. Flood emphasizes that getting relationships right is crucial to becoming the best version of oneself, a principle that he applies both in his personal life and in his leadership at Supreme Lending​​.

Flood's commitment to his values is evident in every aspect of his life. Whether leading his team at Supreme Lending, volunteering in the community, or speaking to future leaders, Flood remains dedicated to helping others achieve their best. His leadership style, characterized by genuine care and a focus on personal growth, has not only driven the success of Supreme Lending but has also made a lasting impact on the lives of those he leads and serves.

In essence, Pat Flood’s career and life are a testament to the power of leadership rooted in genuine care for others. His ability to inspire and uplift those around him has created a ripple effect, driving the success of Supreme Lending and making a positive impact on the broader community. Flood’s legacy is one of servant leadership, where the success of an organization is measured not just by financial metrics but by the personal and professional growth of its people.


Pat Flood’s career is a remarkable testament to the power of servant leadership. His journey from HomeBanc to Supreme Lending Southeast showcases a leader who is not just focused on business success, but on the holistic development and well-being of his team. By prioritizing personal growth, fostering a supportive work environment, and committing to community service, Flood has built an organization that thrives on the principle of "serving others before self." This approach has not only driven Supreme Lending to achieve record performance and numerous accolades but has also created a culture where employees are deeply engaged and satisfied.

Flood’s leadership extends beyond his company; his community involvement and educational outreach illustrate a dedication to making a broader impact. Whether it’s through building homes with Habitat for Humanity or sharing his insights with students, Flood’s influence is felt far and wide. His belief in the importance of relationships and personal integrity continues to inspire those around him to strive for their best.

In essence, Pat Flood is a leader who exemplifies the business of being the best by helping others become their best. His legacy is one of compassion, dedication, and unwavering commitment to making a positive difference in both the professional and personal lives of those he leads.









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